Thursday 24 November 2016

Editing Session 3-

Date- 22/11/16

For this editing session we made the flashbacks and the present shots clearer to see so the narrative is noticeable. By doing this we made the present shots black and white, we have chosen to do this because when you think of flashbacks you thing of them as being black and white so we decided to see the colours round and make the present in black and white to show her sadness. We also added in some new footage we had filmed such as some London eye shots which we hadn't used used yet to show the couple having a good time together. This editing footage was to work on some our feedback we had gotten. We worked on making sure the reversing footage of the feet and the couple bowling were in time with the music. We also tried editing off beat with some of our shots but decided that we were going to filming some new footage to fit with editing of the beat.

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