Tuesday 29 November 2016

Filming Session 7-

Filming Session 7
Equipment- Tripod, Fig rig, camera

For this filming session we filmed some filler shots to fill in the small caps between other shots. We filmed the couple holding hands, their feet standing opposite each other and their faces. While filming we came up with some new ideas add in our music video such as, we filmed the couple looking into the camera we then just filmed the female artist as we are going to fade out the male artists to show she is on her own. We also filmed the café scene which is where we see the couple sitting down together which then goes into the artist sitting on her own. Some problems we faced while filming is that there were a lot of people walking past while we tried to film some of the lip syncing shots so we had to refilm those.

Thursday 24 November 2016

Editing Session 3-

Date- 22/11/16

For this editing session we made the flashbacks and the present shots clearer to see so the narrative is noticeable. By doing this we made the present shots black and white, we have chosen to do this because when you think of flashbacks you thing of them as being black and white so we decided to see the colours round and make the present in black and white to show her sadness. We also added in some new footage we had filmed such as some London eye shots which we hadn't used used yet to show the couple having a good time together. This editing footage was to work on some our feedback we had gotten. We worked on making sure the reversing footage of the feet and the couple bowling were in time with the music. We also tried editing off beat with some of our shots but decided that we were going to filming some new footage to fit with editing of the beat.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Filming Session 6-

Music Video Draft

Music Video Draft
Date- 22/11/16

What Went Well:
All of the shots are cut to the beat of the music video and all the lip syncing shots are in time with the lyris of the songs.
We have also added in some reverse effects where they are walking togther and also when
 they are bowling.
We have come up with some interesting shot types such as when we use the hand held shot of the artists on the swings, shots such as when the couple are in London leaning on the railing the camaera has been postioned in an interesting way instead of just behind them.

For the ending shots we used a blue lighting with a wave machine to create the effect of the water. We chose to make one side of the artist face darker then the other with the wave machine. 

Even Better If:
We could edit some of the shots of beat such as the silhouette ones at the beginning of the music video.
We need to finish a full edit and add in more shots where there are black spaces.
Add in more shots of the Robin on her own such as ones of her walking and sitting on her own.
We could add in more close ups of Robin looking sad and lip synicng to make the narrative clearer to our target audience.
We need to make it more obvious that the couple are going through a breakup and that she is thinking about their memories. We could do this by adding in more shots of the female artist on her own looking sad.
To make sure we are targeting our specific audience we could change some of the artists clothes to make them more relatable to an Indie pop artistd and their fans. Changing the clothing also means that our artist fits the star persona we are looking for.

Friday 18 November 2016

Editing session 1-

Editing Session

Date- 15/11/16

For our first editing session we put a rough copy of our music video together. This session helped to decide if we needed to redo some shots or if we needed to add more in. From this we have decided that we need to add in some more lip syncing shots in the middle of our music video and we need more of the male artists. We also decided that some of the shots were needed in the music video and replaced them with other ones such as the one of the couple walking in London we decided to use an interesting shot of the couple looking over the river with a different angle, we also moved the mirror lip syncing shots to the beginning of the music video because it made the narrative clearer to understand. The shots of the couple walking in London we chose to add in some effects such as  slow motion effect where the couple slow down on the beat of the music. As our second filming session in London went wrong we were short of some clips so we couldn't complete a full copy of our music video, instead we wrote down the shots we need to re do and where we were going to do the.

Filming session 5-

Location- Drama Room
Date- 11/11/16
Equipment- Tripod, LED light, camera

For this filming session we filmed in a drama room to create the silhouette shots for the beginning of our music video. For this we moved the LED light around the room to create a good silhouette, we put the light behind the artist so you can see the outline of her body but unable to see her face. We then moved the camera forward so we get a side profile shot of the arts lip syncing but still unable to see all of her face. Some problems with this filming session is it took awhile for us to find the right position for the light so we could create the silhouette.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Filming Session 3/4-

Location- Sutton,London
Date- 28/10/15, 4/11/15
Equipment- Camera, Tripod

For the filming session in Sutton we filmed in a park. We filmed different shots of the swings which consisted of the camera being on the swing, we also filmed the swings on their own for the present day shots. Some problems with this filming session is that the park soon got busy so we had to film some of our shots in a rush so we didn't get any children in them.

We went into London to film some more shots. We filmed some vlog type shots for the flashbacks to make them seem like a happy couple. We also filmed some shots in the arcade also for the flashback shots, we also filmed the bowling shot and used different angles for them. Some problems with this filming session is that the SD card for the camera stopped working which meant some of our shots didn't film, we then had to use a phone camera to shoot the remanding shots in the arcade.  

Filming Session 2-

Location- Bath
Date- 18/10/16
Equipment- Camera, Tripod, 

For this filming session we filmed some shots in a bath. We decided to film in a bath because it links in with our genre of indie pop because its very typical to it. For these shots we had to use a bath bomb to change the colour of the water, we also had to buy flowers to put them in the bath as well. We used different angles such as high angles to see the artists sliding into the water. This filming session came out well because we filmed everything that we wanted to and it also came out the way we planned. However, we did experience some problems such as because the bathroom was small we had very minimal space to film in.

Filiming Session 1-

Location- London
Date- 14/10/16 
Equipment- Camera, Tripod

For our first filming session we filmed different shots in London. The first few shots were on the London eye where we filmed the couple looking out of the glass. After this we filmed on the streets where we filmed the couple walking along the river bank hand in hand. We filmed other shots such as the couple looking over the side at the river and the couple sitting in the park. These shots turned out well because they are interesting as we used new angles and different camera positions. However, some of the shots weren't what we wanted to such as, some of the shots were shaky although we want the music video to look like the artists are vlogging their time together some of the shots are very shakey which makes them our of focus. When filming in London we came across some problems for example when we filmed on the London eye there was a lot of people so some of the shots we will not be able to use as people are in shots. The main purpose of going into London was to film in the Sealife centre but when we got there it has closed for a private event.

Post Production Log